BOARD OF Directors

Ronnelle Sharpley

Lupe Cavazos
Board Member / Founder

Trent Wood
Vice President

Dr. Elizabeth Hand
Board Member - Leadership Consultant - Interim Secretary / Founder

Doug Adkins

Zach Bowen
Church Liaison
Administration & Faculty

Ron Yocum
Headmaster / Founder
57 Years in Education

Heather Krausse
Elementary - Vice Principal & 4th Grade Teacher / Yearbook Teacher
8 Years in Education

Judy Bishop
Administrative Support / Founder
8 Years in Education

Bre'anna Edwards
Kindergarten Teacher

Caitlin Jantz
3rd Grade Teacher

Renee Bush
High School Math Teacher / Math Tutor

Julia Kyte
Administrative Aide / Spanish Facilitator / Keyboarding / Substitute Teacher

Lauren Hand
Office Aide / CCA Alumni

Pat Dodson
Lunch Volunteer / Founder

Colin Yocum
Principal / Founder
11 Years in Education

Kara Kordic
Director of Finance & Junior High Math Teacher / Founder
20 Years in Education

Marcus Hood
School Security Resource Officer / Security Instructor
27 Years in Law Enforcement

Becka Vaughan
1st Grade Teacher

Ericka Jenkins
5th Grade Teacher / Student Advocate

Duane Megonigle
Junior High & High School English Teacher & Golf Coach

Letty Daniels
Staff Nursery

Presley Brum
Staff Nursery / Aftercare / Substitute Teacher

Michael Allen
I.T. Consultant / Neptune Innovations

Teleisha Hughes
Secondary - Principal & History Teacher / Founder
9 Years in Education

Amanda Yocum
Executive Assistant / P.E. Teacher / Cross Country Coach
4 Years in Education, 9 Years in Coaching

Ericka Fraley
Bible Teacher / Accreditation Development / Secretary to the Board of Directors

Brianna Sharpley
2nd Grade Teacher

Amanda Torres
Junior High Science Teacher

Chris Lorenz
High School Boys Bible Teacher, Physics Teacher / Math Tutor

John Bishop
Door Greeter / Security Support / Maintenance / Founder

Jasmine Salazar
Spanish 1 & 2 Teacher / Substitute Teacher
Employment Opportunities
WE are family
Our Faculty and staff gather each morning to lift each other up in prayer and prepare for the day. We support each other not only as coworkers, but as friends and family.
WE are knights
God has led each and everyone of our teachers and staff to CCA. He has brought us to come along side our parents to educate our future leaders from a Biblical world view.
Employment Application
As we continue to grow, we are always accepting applications. Please fill out our employment application and return it to Principal Yocum at or drop it off during office hours.